#8volution Journey: Discovering Non-blood Family In Content Discovery

asti ayuningtyas
3 min readOct 20, 2022


I started out as a noob with no prior digital product management experience in 2016 in KMK then joined Vidio in 2018 and ended up being surrounded by great minds and personalities who have been pushing me to become better as a product person and as an individual. One of the biggest factors is because we function as a family.

It is important to have a supportive working environment in a team so every team member can focus in fulfilling their responsibilities without having to worry about other’ disruptive behavior or other unnecessary drama. So, when I got to lead a team, I felt the burden quite huge just like they say “people leaves managers not companies”.

I am lucky enough to have bright, helpful and open-minded team members, so it is easier for me to make this team work as a family. Being a Sundanese, I was taught to do Silih Asah, Silih Asih and Silih Asuh with my own family so I try to implement that in my team.

Silih Asah

“Sharpen each other” means that we push and help our family to be better, to always grow. Aligned with product team spirit to be #BetterEveryday, I found my team always seek for improvement. They have no resistance to try something new and to learn from mistakes. They also give feedbacks to me to be a better team leader. Often, they also taught me about product hard skills that I found valuable. It’s a two-way feedback flow that makes a team grows.

Silih Asih

“Care for each other”. I spend most of my awake time with my workmates, so I don’t want to make the relationship transactional. Yes, it is about business. Yes, we are here to work. But I feel that we can have more than that. I want to feel secure and accepted so that I can give the best version of me at work. Care for each other is a mean to make everyone feel safe.

Silih Asuh

“Look after each other”. It means that we understand what each of us need to do to achieve our goal as a team. We need to understand that in order to succeed as a team, we shouldn’t think our own tasks as the only thing that matters. Our tasks is our responsibility, but beyond that we as a team should be able to work together to fulfill something bigger. “Look after each other” does not mean that we protect our members even though they are wrong. Whenever mistakes happen, warning and consequences should still be there.

It has been an interesting and challenging journey to lead content discovery team in Vidio. But it is a fulfilling one because I discover a family that I can rely on. A family that sharpen each other, care for each other and look after each other. I hope this small family can give better contribution to bigger family: Vidio.

Naik taksi ke majalaya

Supirnya bekas santriwati

Terima kasih kerjasamanya

Tim disco selalu di hati

Postingan ini saya dedikasikan untuk Patrice, Nada, Augi, William, Andi, Pepe, Nisa, Hakim, Fabian, Luthfi, Alfin, Jen, Odee. Sekali Disco tetap Disco.



asti ayuningtyas

A working mom/product manager hustling to build loveable products at work and perfect pancakes at home. Interested in my book? https://bit.ly/3CNfDmT